Author Instruction
Please use this checklist to ensure that guidelines are followed:
1.Paper Size A4 size: 210mm x 297mm
2.Margins 25 mm
3.Font Face Serif(Times or Times New Roman)
4.Font Size 10 point (except paper Title is 14 pt)
5.References, graphics, tables all count toward total pages count
7.Do NOT include HEADERS or FOOTER

Standard total Length

Full Papers 8 pages
Short Papers 6 pages
Technical Report 4 pages

Acceptable File Formats are:

MS Word (.DOC)


* This style is just an example of paper submission.@Other styles can be also accepted for it.
Centered Serif Typeface 14point, bold
Serif Typeface 12point, bold
name and affiliation including department, institution, country, and email address
Centered,Leave 2 blank lines after title
Serif typeface, 10 point.
75-150 words
Indent 2 cm from left and right margins
Skip 1 line before and after abstract
Start the abstract with the sequence "Abstract:" (without the quotes) without a line break after "Abstract:".
9 point bold-face
Leave sufficient place for the title to stand out clearly.
Leave 1 line blank above the headings.
Use a typeface with serifs for all levels of headings.
Left-justified,Serif typeface.
  • 1st-level heading: 12 point, bold
  • 2nd-level heading: 10 point, bold
  • 3rd-level heading: 10 point, bold, italic
  • Running Text
    Left-justified,Serif typeface,10 point
    Use italic print to emphasize words.
    bold type and underlining should be avoided.
    All text should be single-spaced.
    Computer Programs
    Courier typeface 10-point typesize one line spacing
    Citations to a leterature reference
    the sequence "(Name year)" (without the quotes)
    Name is the second name of the author or authors
    Year is the the year of printing
    Citations to a figure
    the sequence "(Fig. n)" (without the quotes)
    Citations to a table
    the sequence "(Tab. n)" (without the quotes)
    Citations to a web
    Please use exactly the format given here to allow us to insert Hypertext links automatically by searching for these special sequences.
    Figures and Tables
    Insert the text "Figure n: description" or "Table n: description" (without the quotes) after the figure/table (n is a unique number that identifies the figure/table; description is a short description about its contents. "Fig.n: and Table.n:" should be in bold).
    Separate footnotes from the preceding main text by a line from the left to the center of the page. Start the footnote with the sequence "[n]", where n is the unique number of that footnote (unique means that this number can only appear once on a page, not throughout the whole document). Use a 9 point font for footnote text.
    Start with "Acknowledgements" and the first level header format left-justified, Serif typeface, 9 point
    Literature References
    Start with "References" and the first level header format left-justified, Serif typeface, 9 point